Biography of Steve Jobs became an instant Bestseller, On Monday, October 24, went on sale the first official biography of the founder of Apple Steve Jobs , in the creation of which he was directly involved. 

On Amazon the book went on sale the day before and had already become the most popular commodity. The basis of the biography went to 40 interviews with Jobs himself and his family, the book shows many new aspects of the personality of the "guru of Silicon Valley" and revealed his views on such issues as freedom and censorship in the Internet space, protection of intellectual property, and so etc.

Walter Isaacson's book under the laconic title "Steve Jobs" with black and white photograph on the cover of more than 650 pages. In the photo: just unpacked copies of the new book in a bookstore in Taipei.

The book is sold in U.S. retail price of $ 35, the same is an audio version, too, along with bookstores began selling biographies, and major online retailers such as

The book is written by Walter Isaacson, became famous for his nonfiction books about Benjamin Franklin and Albert Einstein, Jobs chose his personal biographer Isaacson in 2004.

The basis of the biography went to 40 interviews with Jobs himself and his family, the book shows many new aspects of the personality of the "guru of Silicon Valley" and revealed his views on such issues as freedom and censorship in the Internet space, protection of intellectual property, and so etc.

In the photo: the buyer holds a copy of the book, "Steve Jobs", a biography of the late co-founder of Apple, in a bookstore in Taipei, the capital of Taiwan.

Consent to an interview with Jobs, explained that he wanted his children to learn at first hand the truth about his father that inspired him to work because of a family so seldom saw him.

People walk past a poster featuring the late Steve Jobs, touting new books in the streets of Washington, DC.

Biography tells not only of the Jobs, but also about his eccentricities and oddities, including why the company he founded was called Apple, and why Jobs has always been seen in public in a black sweater.

Also, the book calls Steve Jobs Bill Gates unimaginative and accused of stealing ideas.

Among other things, the book shows Jobs' intransigence on the mobile platform Google Android, which in his view, copy technologies Apple. "I'm going to destroy Android, because it is a stolen product. I'm ready to go on a nuclear war "- said Jobs.

In recent months, opposition to the court by Apple with the largest producer of Android-devices Samsung has led to a ban on sales of Tablet South Korean manufacturer in Germany and Australia. The court decided that the plates violate Samsung patents on the design of Apple iPad. It is not excluded that the same decision and make the U.S. Supreme Court.

In the photo: Irving Fields Leafs book, "Steve Jobs" in a bookstore in Coral Gables, Florida.

Steve Jobs died on 5 October at the age of 56. For the first time about his serious illness he had learned in October 2003. Although this disease is usually fatal, have proved to be operable Jobs form of cancer. However, according to biographer Walter Isaacson, the genius of the IT-industry has agreed to an operation only nine months later, after much persuasion of doctors and family.

In the above photos: Apple store employees puts copies of the biography in a bookstore in Sao Paulo, Brazil. In late August, Jobs resigned as general director of Apple, handing it to his successor, Tim Cook. The funeral of ex-head of Apple passed with only his family, but private funeral in the chapel at Stanford University have collected hundreds of well-known American businessmen, politicians and public figures.

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