Obama supporters, get ready to swoon. You can now enter a contest to break bread with the president. For a price. President Obama — or more likely a harried campaign staffer — sent out an email blast Wednesday to his re-election mailing list with this subject line: “Sometime soon, can we meet for dinner?”

“Supporters like you are the reason I’m here,” Obama begins, ”and the values we share have always made our organization more than just a political campaign. So whenever I can, I want to take the opportunity to meet you.”

There’s just one tiny catch.

“Today, I want to ask if you’ll join me and three other supporters for a meal and conversation sometime soon,” the president continues. “Please donate $5 or more to be automatically entered for a chance to join me for dinner.”

A link in the email sends readers to the official “Dinner with Barack” website.

It’s a campaign tactic Obama has employed before, and this latest email claims it’s one of the things that “set our campaign apart.” (RELATED: Obama alienates wealthy donors with plan to limit charitable tax deductions)

“No matter what our opponents do over the next 14 months, dinners like these are how we will continue to put people at the heart of this campaign — and prove that we don’t need checks from Washington lobbyists or special-interest PAC money to win an election.”

Obama’s top three 2012 campaign donors, so far, are Comcast ($79,955), Exelon ($46,625) and Goldman Sachs ($44,750). Win a date with Barack Obama, Latest News, Celebrities News, US President News, Barack Obama News, Latest World News, latest US News, Canada News, Barack Obama 2012 Compaign, Comcast, Goldman Sachs, Exelon, Washington Barack Obama News, Obama Supporters, Dinner with Barack Obama, Meet USA President, US peoples about Obama. 

Source: Yahoo

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