Lindsay Lohan's nude Playboy cover leaks online

Lindsay Lohan's nude Playboy cover leaks online - The 25-year-old actress is seen straddling a Playboy bunny shaped chair which manages to cover her modesty, but revealing the curve of her breasts. Things frequently don't go according to plan for Lindsay Lohan. Such was the case for the 25-year-old star's first-ever Playboy cover and nude spread inside. Set to hit newsstands Dec. 15 and with a big reveal scheduled a few days prior on The Ellen DeGeneres Show, Lohan's R-rated men's magazine moment was compromised thanks to an amateur leaked shot of the sought-after cover that flooded the web on Wednesday.

On the cover, a stunning Lohan wears just sexy black heels, with her now-blonde hair in cascading Old Hollywood style waves.

The Mean Girls actress sits in the buff on a chair shaped like Playboy's iconic bunny symbol -- which strategically covers her up.

"The pictorial is absolutely fantastic and very tasteful, and will be accompanied by an interview that will let readers see another side of Lindsay," Lohan's rep told Us Weekly back in November. Her mom Dina also gushed: "She's really great in front of the cameras."

Lohan shot the spread just before giving herself over to authorities for a violation probation conviction; she served four hours in jail thanks to overcrowding.

via: um

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